Upper Puyuma River, Chishang, Taitung County
Eyko Angay 張月瑛
Ancoh Community, Yuli Township, Hualien County
Eyko Angay and the people of the community have heard this place name, but they are not completely sure about the history of Cikwapingay or its precise location. Eyko Angay explains that the Ami language system can be divided into Siwkolan 'Amis, 'Amisay a Pangcah, and Pasawalian Pangcah, each of which has different accents and slightly different vocabulary conventions. The pronunciation of “Cikwapingay”, however, is clear with no differences in accents.
Ami language
Upper Puyuma River, Chishang, Taitung County
Near the Upper Puyuma River
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